Speech of the dead in a dream and the interpretation of the dream of peace of the dead to the living by speaking

Dreams of Ibn Sirin
adminProofreader: Omnia Samir18 Jan 2023Last update: 6 months ago

The words of the dead in a dream

Some people consider that the words of a dead person in a dream are truthful and carry good tidings and signs from the other world. Some narrations have stated that the words heard in a dream from a deceased person are true and correct words. But no hadith was found from the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, confirming the truth of this.

When you see a dead person talking to you calmly in a dream, this is considered a strong sign of goodness and future livelihood for the person who sees this vision. It is worth noting that there is no interest in interpretations of dreams about torment and warnings from the dead.

If the dead person in a dream gives the man something while he is talking to him, this could be a representation from Satan, as he is trying to mislead the person and exploit his vision for bad purposes.

The interpretation of what a dead person says to a living person in a dream has more than one interpretation. Some of them refer to psychological concerns and internal anxiety that a person may suffer from. It is considered that seeing a dead person scolds a person and reminds him of the Day of Resurrection, and indicates the person’s need to repent and seek forgiveness.

It should be noted that seeing a dead person talking to a living person in a dream has different interpretations and may reflect the person’s psychological state and emotions in reality. The individual is advised to turn to God and draw closer to Him through good deeds and obedience as a means of staying away from obsessions and psychological anxiety.

The words of the dead in a dream by Ibn Sirin

According to Ibn Sirin, seeing a living person talking with a dead person in a dream is one of the favorable visions, as it heralds that the dreamer will enjoy a prestigious and good status in this world and the hereafter. The Imam also pointed out that if you see the dead person talking to you to give you good news about something or give you advice, then this is good news and a message from the dead person to the dreamer.

Ibn Sirin's interpretations also include seeing the words of the dead to the living in a dream. According to him, if a single woman sees a dead person talking to her in a dream, this indicates the arrival of abundant goodness in her life soon, and heralds a long life and improved health.

The opinions of scholars and interpreters may differ regarding the veracity of the dead person’s words in a dream. Among these are Al-Nabulsi, Judge Abu Al-Hussein, and others who agree with Ibn Sirin that seeing a dead person speaking in a dream indicates the good status that the dead person had in this world’s life, as it is considered a message from him to the dreamer.

The words of the dead in a dream are true

The words of the dead in a dream for single women

The words of a dead person in a single woman’s dream may carry different connotations and interpretations depending on the context of the dream and the dreamer’s condition. Seeing a dead person speaking good news is usually considered good news for a single woman and evidence of the abundant livelihood that she will have in the near future. This may also be a sign of her longevity and improved health.

If a single woman sees that the dead person is talking to her in a dream and giving her some advice, then she must take that advice seriously and not ignore it. These tips may be important and carry valuable advice that can change the course of her life for the better.

When a single woman dreams of seeing a dead person speaking well of her, this is considered good news for her and evidence of the arrival of goodness and blessings into her life. On the other hand, if she sees the dead person speaking evil or saying annoying words, this may be an indication that she will face some difficulties in life.

Seeing a dead person recommending certain things to a single woman in a dream also indicates that she has responsibilities. The deceased may have instructed her to take care of his money or important things, and this means that she is likely to bear responsibility for these matters in the future.

For a single woman, seeing a dead person in a dream is considered good news and livelihood. Especially if the dead person is her father who passed away, this is considered a sign of blessing in her life. If a single woman sees a dead person giving her good news in a dream, she will certainly have a new opportunity or success in the near future.

The words of the dead in a dream for a married woman

The words of a dead person in a married woman’s dream are considered a symbol of a bad psychological state that the dreamer may be experiencing at the present time. This dream indicates her need for support and attention from her husband. The married woman may be in urgent need of you standing by her side and participating in her concerns and feelings. There may be psychological pressures or difficulties she is facing, and she needs someone to listen to her and be there by her side to relieve the pressure. Therefore, it is important for the husband to provide emotional support and attention to his wife during this period. This dream may be a warning to the wife of the importance of communicating with her husband and sharing her feelings and fears, so that they can overcome this difficult psychological state together.

We should note that the interpretations and connotations Seeing the dead in a dream It varies depending on the state of the dreamer and the context of the dream. A dream may have completely different meanings depending on the circumstances and feelings that the dreamer is experiencing. The dream of seeing her talking to a dead person and eating with him may indicate reconciliation and good communication with her husband, and a symbol of the stability and success of marital life. If this happens, it can be considered an indication that the husband will be a source of goodness and happiness in the wife’s life. This dream may reflect the fulfillment of her wishes and aspirations in married life.

A married woman hearing the words of a dead person in a dream may be an indication that she will receive good and happy news in her married life. It may be about good financial circumstances or new opportunities that await you in the future. A dream of good wishes and expected goodness may reflect the confidence and optimism that the dreamer has regarding her marital future.

The interpretation of seeing the words of a dead person in a dream for a married woman predicts goodness and livelihood in reality. The dream may be a reminder to the married woman of the importance of positive thinking and hope for the future, even though she is going through a difficult psychological state at the present time. Married life may require a lot of patience and endurance, but dreaming about the words of a dead person enhances confidence that what is good and good will come in the end.

The words of the dead in a dream for a pregnant woman

When a pregnant woman sees in a dream that a dead person is warning her about something, she must take this word seriously and not expose herself or her fetus to danger. The words of a dead person to a living person in a dream indicate the dead person’s blessed status with God Almighty and his happiness in the afterlife. This speech also reflects the goodness that awaits the pregnant woman in her future. A pregnant woman may feel anxious about seeing a dead person in her dream, but she must know that she is receiving a vision of goodness and good news, not a bad or harmful vision.

If a pregnant woman sees in her dream that there is a deceased man speaking well to her, this is good news for her, God willing. If she sees the dead person speaking evil or saying disturbing words, this is not considered a warning to her, but rather it is considered merely a vision related to the spiritual world.

Seeing a dead person and talking to a living person in a dream is good, not bad. A pregnant woman seeing a dead person speaking to her angrily in a dream indicates that she must be careful and take the necessary precautions so that nothing bad happens to her and the fetus.

If a pregnant woman sees in her dream a dead person speaking to her harshly and with extreme anger, this is a message to her to take care of her pregnancy and ensure her safety and the safety of her fetus. Therefore, she must take this vision seriously and work to avoid any risks she may face.

Seeing the dead person and talking to him in a dream remains good news for the pregnant woman and brings goodness. The pregnant woman must understand what the dead say to her and take it seriously in order to protect herself and her fetus. The dead person’s words in a dream are true and may have a positive impact on the pregnant woman’s life and future.

The words of the dead man in a dream

A man seeing the words of a dead person in a dream means goodness and blessing, and it may be an indication of upcoming livelihood and fortune for the dreamer. Giving the dead person something in a dream while he is talking to the dreamer is also considered a good sign and an indication of good things that will happen to him.

The interpretation of hearing the words of a dead person to a living person in a dream varies between scholars and interpreters, but in general it is linked to an improvement in the dreamer’s conditions in life. If a man sees himself talking to a dead person in a dream, this may be a sign of an improvement in his economic and financial situation, and it may also indicate his long life and sustainable happiness.

Some interpreters consider that seeing a dead person’s words to a living person in a dream means the dreamer’s distance from God, and they advise him to get closer to Him through good deeds and worship. While others see it as a sign of happiness and pleasure for the dreamer, especially when the man sees himself giving something to the dead person in a dream, as this indicates great joy and benefit for him.

The words of the deceased in a dream must be understood with caution and the heart and mind kept open to different interpretations. If this vision makes the dreamer feel comfortable and happy, he must extract the positive meanings and apply them in his daily life.

, Interpretation of seeing the dead in a dream and talk to him?

The Interpretation of seeing a dead person in a dream Talking to him is a dream that may have different connotations. According to Ibn Sirin, the interpretation of this dream depends on what is revealed by the deceased person. It is noteworthy that seeing a dead person in good condition and smiling in a dream indicates something that alerts and cheers the dreaming person, and this means that the condition of the deceased is in a happy and bitter state. Communicating with the dead person in a dream indicates that the dreamer will benefit from it and gather information that he may have missed in daily life, which indicates a strong spiritual connection between the person and the deceased. If the dialogue continues with the dead person in the dream, this indicates greatness, high status, and his ability to solve difficult problems and make sound decisions.

If the vision includes talking to the dead and reprimanding the dreamer in the dream, this may be an indication that the person is disobedient and must repent and return to the right path. If the dead person is sitting confidently and talking with the dreamer, this indicates that he is resting in peace and tranquility and rising to the ranks of Paradise with God.

In addition, seeing the dead talking in a dream is an indication that there is an important message, warning, or advice that the dreamer should benefit from in his life.

Interpretation of seeing a dead father in a dream speak

Seeing a dead father speaking in a dream has multiple connotations. This vision may indicate the dreamer's desire to deliver a message or warn him of an important matter. It may also symbolize constant thinking about the father, and longing and longing for him.

According to Ibn Sirin, seeing a deceased father speaking in a dream is considered a true vision, especially if the deceased is speaking to the dreamer. This may be an encouragement to listen to preaching and guidance.

If the dead father’s words in the dream are incomprehensible, this may be an indication of the difficulty of implementing something in the dreamer’s life. He may have difficulty achieving one of them.

Seeing a dead father speaking in a dream also indicates that the dreamer’s affairs in life will be in order in the future. This vision may be an indication of the confidence that the dreamer has in his abilities and future.

For a single girl who dreams of her deceased father talking to her in a dream, this may reflect her deep longing for her father and her longing for him. This vision may also be a confirmation of the girl’s state of loneliness and her overwhelming desire to communicate with her father.

Seeing a deceased father talking and laughing in a dream may be an indication that the dreamer’s condition has changed for the better. He may receive good news about a topic that concerns him in the future.

Seeing the dead in a dream laughing And he speaks

Seeing a dead person in a dream laughing and talking is considered a positive and reassuring vision. When a person dreams of seeing a dead person laughing, this means that his life will witness a great improvement and will be filled with happiness and joy. The dreamer's ability to see dead people laughing and talking in a dream means many positive things.

Seeing a dead person laughing in a dream is a sign of contentment and joy in life. It indicates that there is inner peace in the dreamer's soul and that he appreciates life and feels satisfied with it. Ibn Shaheen believes that seeing a dead person laughing in a dream predicts great goodness and happiness in the dreamer’s life. Seeing a dead person laughing and talking may also indicate the arrival of goodness, livelihood, and perhaps a relationship with a person of high morals.

The interpretation of seeing a happy dead person in a dream is usually considered a positive and reassuring vision. It may carry multiple meanings that depend on the circumstances and context of the dream and the individual personality of the dreamer. Seeing the dead person talking to the dreamer and laughing in a dream expresses communication with the other world, and may indicate happy news and improvement in the dreamer’s personal life. This may reflect God's will to change and improve all aspects of the dreamer's life for the better in the near future.

Dead dream interpretation He speaks on the phone

Seeing a dead person talking on the phone in a dream is one of the visions that dream interpretation scholars are interested in. They say that this vision indicates the status and condition of the dreamer. If a person sees himself talking to a dead person whom he knows well and who told him in the call that his condition is good, this may mean that the dreamer occupies a special and important position in the life of the deceased person.

Seeing yourself talking with your deceased father on the phone may indicate that you need to be open to new experiences in your life. Maybe you were too focused on the past and now need to receive and move forward. When the dead person appears in the dream talking to you and hugging you, this indicates that he protects and cares for you, and this may be an interpretation of his love for you and his feeling that you are under his protection.

This vision may be a sign from God that the deceased person still loves you and is watching over you. If the deceased person is close to you and you get this vision, it may mean that you will achieve goodness and success in your life with the help of the deceased person.

If a girl sees that she is talking to a dead person on the phone and this dead person is close to her, this may mean that she will receive goodness and benefit in her life because of this dead person.

If a married woman dreams of a dead person talking to a living person on the phone, this may be an indication of upcoming happiness and good luck that will befall her. This vision may indicate a bright future and good news soon.

The interpretation of a dream about a dead person talking on the phone in a dream is an indication of the importance of the deceased person in the dreamer’s life, and it may carry messages from God that encourage the dreamer to continue to rely on the advice and voice of the deceased person in important life decisions.

Interpretation of a dream about greeting the dead to the living in words

Seeing a dead person greeting a living person verbally in a dream is an encouraging vision with positive connotations. It may indicate a good ending enjoyed by the dreamer, as this dream reflects the satisfaction of peaceful souls and their preference for happiness and comfort over disturbed and angry souls. This dream could also be good news for the dreamer that the doors of livelihood and success will be opened in his life. For a single woman, this vision may be a sign of new opportunities and a life partner who brings security and happiness.

As for seeing a dead person who refuses to greet the living and wants to remain angry in the dream, studies may indicate that it may indicate an accumulation of sins and transgressions committed by the dreamer in his life. This vision may be a reminder to the person of the need to repent, get rid of negative behaviors, and move towards reform.

Seeing a dead person greeting a living person verbally in a dream is considered good news and an expectation of positive changes in the life of the dreamer and her family. This vision may be an indication of the beginning of a new life or the fulfillment of the hopes and wishes that the person seeks to achieve. In addition, seeing peace over the dead in a dream may reflect the arrival of blessing, the achievement of good luck, and the fulfillment of heartfelt desires.

Speech of the dead about magic in a dream

When a sleeper sees that a deceased person wants to bewitch him or perform magic on him in a dream, this indicates the presence of evil surrounding him. This vision may be a warning message indicating that the person is threatened by witchcraft and must be careful. The deceased’s words about magic in a dream carry several connotations. This vision may be an indication to the dreamer that he will have a lot of money in the near future. This vision may also be a warning that the person is fascinated by magic and must protect himself with legitimate prayers and dancing.

According to Ibn Sirin, if a dead person talks about witchcraft in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer is afflicted with witchcraft and must protect himself with legitimate prayers and ruqyah. If the dead person talks to the living person and indicates that there is magic, this means that there is an evil and malicious conspiracy by people who want to harm the dreamer. In addition, the veil of magic indicates deception, malice, and low morals, while talismans indicate false attraction to matters, ignorance, deception, and concealment of facts. If a person dreams that he nullifies magic in a dream, this means that he will succeed in conquering and eradicating evil and magic.

Among the different indications of seeing the dead’s words about magic in a dream, the dead’s reference to a pig, bat, or unclean water may indicate that someone has worked magic for the dreamer, as these symbols are considered negative symbols and indicate a danger threatening the dreamer.

Seeing a dead person's words about magic in a dream may be a sign of wealth and financial success. This dream may indicate that the person will succeed in achieving wealth and financial stability in the coming period.

Seeing the dead in a dream talking to you And he's upset

When a person sees the deceased talking to him and is frowning and sad in the dream, this may indicate that the dreamer is suffering from a major problem or is facing difficulty in his life. The deceased is considered one of the living souls in a dream, and therefore he can sense the dreamer’s state, whether it is happiness or sadness, and this big problem can be of a special nature for the person who dreams of a deceased person and is upset with him.

When a person dreams of a deceased person, and he is upset with him, this dream could mean that the person is facing upcoming problems and misfortunes. The deceased person may appear in a dream as a specific person, such as a father or mother, and this may be related to not fulfilling the vows that the person made before his death, which relate to material matters such as money or the loss of a dear and close person.

The interpretation of seeing a deceased person upset in a dream may be a result of anticipating the material losses that the person will suffer, or it may suggest the loss of an important person in the person’s life. A person may feel bad at work, and this dream may be a warning of problems and obstacles that he will face.

Seeing a dead person talking to a sad person in a dream may indicate the strong relationship that existed between the dreaming person and the deceased before his death. This may be a signal to the person that previous relationships are still affecting him, affecting his happiness, and can cause him psychological stress. The person may be in a state of stress and suffering from difficult circumstances that may prevent him from being happy.

Interpretation of a dream about the dead looking at the living without talking

It may be Interpretation of a dream about the dead looking at the living without speaking Linked to financial pressures faced by the dreamer. The dream may indicate that things will improve and become better. The dream may also indicate a warning against some bad behavior or inappropriate behavior that a person carries out in his life.

The interpretation of a dream about a dead person looking at a living person without speaking could be related to the dead person’s reproach to the dreamer or his sadness for him. The deceased may wish to communicate with the dreamer or share some important matters, which may be related to spirituality or a specific person who is planning something bad for the dreamer.

The interpretation of a dream about a dead person looking at a living person without speaking may be related to remorse or reproach. The dream may indicate that the dreamer needs to rethink some of his previous decisions and actions that he took without hesitation, as there may be room for improvement and change in his life.

Seeing a dead person looking at a living person without speaking could be a sign of sustenance and goodness provided by God. If the dreamer sees in his dream a dead person looking at him and smiling, this may be evidence that he will receive great blessings and abundant livelihood in his next life.

The dream of a dead person looking at a living person without words is considered a message from the other world that carries multiple meanings and alerts us to some things that we may need to consider and change in our daily lives. The dreamer must take this vision into consideration and try to understand the deep connotations it carries.

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