The 20 most important interpretations of the dream of engagement in a dream by Ibn Sirin

Mostafa Ahmed
Dreams of Ibn Sirin
Mostafa Ahmed7 March 2024Last update: XNUMX months ago

Sermon in a dream

Seeing an engagement in a dream is considered one of the visions full of beautiful connotations and positive signs that can bring happiness and blessings to the dreamer in his life.

  1. Good news of comfort and happinessSeeing an engagement in a dream is an indication of the satisfaction and happiness that a person may enjoy in his near future.
  2. Marriage approachingA dream about an engagement may be evidence of the approaching opportunity for marriage for the dreamer, and this may be a sign of the compatibility he will achieve in his marital relationship.
  3. Fulfilling wishes and ambitions: Seeing the engagement may be a fulfillment of the dreamer’s dreams and wishes, and this dream may represent the beginning of his journey towards success and fulfillment.
  4. marriage proposal: Sometimes, a dream about an engagement can be an indication of receiving a concrete marriage proposal in real life.
  5. Sustenance and abundanceEngagement sometimes appears in a dream as a symbol of the abundant livelihood that the dreamer will enjoy in his life.
  6. Love and connection: Seeing an engagement in a dream may reflect a girl or young man’s desire to relate and merge with a specific person in their life.

Approval of the sermon in a dream for a married woman

Sermon in a dream by Ibn Sirin

1. Sign of imminent marriage:
If a girl dreams of her engagement in a dream, this may be an indication of the approaching period of marriage in her real life. Ibn Sirin considers that a dream about an engagement could be an indication of achieving union and connection with a life partner.

2. Indication of desire to marry:
Seeing an engagement in a dream for a single girl may be an expression of her deep-rooted desire to get married and connect with someone for whom she has special feelings. Ibn Sirin believes that this dream could be evidence of her readiness to start a new life with a partner.

3. Indication of upcoming responsibilities:
Ibn Sirin believes that seeing an engagement in a dream may be a warning to the person or family of the arrival of new responsibilities and greater commitments in the future life. You must be prepared to bear the responsibilities related to marriage and married life.

Engagement in a dream for single women

1. The meaning of joy and happiness:

  • A dream about an engagement for a single woman is usually considered a positive symbol, as it indicates upcoming happy news.
  • If a single girl sees the engagement the way she likes, then this dream reflects great joy and happiness on her way.

2. Approaching marriage:

  • The dream of an engagement for a single woman could be an indication that her marriage is approaching in reality and the fulfillment of this engagement in real life.

3. Determination and achieving goals:

  • A single girl seeing her engagement in a dream may be a sign of achieving her goals and approaching the realization of her dreams in life.

4. An expression of serenity and purity:

  • If a single girl gets engaged in a dream to someone she loves in reality, this indicates the purity of the intention of the person who is engaged to her and the purity of the relationship between them.

5. Signal of a new stage:

  • Seeing an engagement in a dream for a single woman is considered a positive sign that she is entering a new stage in her life, whether that is through soon marriage or achieving new dreams and goals.

6. The beginning of a stable relationship:

  • The interpretation of seeing an engagement for a single woman in a dream could be an indication of the beginning of a stable and promising relationship coming in her life.

Engagement in a dream for a married woman

  1. Seeing an engagement for a married woman in a dream often reflects a feeling of security and stability in marital life.
  2. This vision may symbolize good communication and an excellent relationship with the spouse.
  3. The dream may also indicate the approach of a new stage in marital life, such as pregnancy or a change in marital status.
  4. It is possible that the engagement in a dream is an indication of the dreamer’s desire to renew the covenant with his partner.
  5. If the engagement in a dream looks happy and cheerful, this foretells a happy and fruitful marriage period.

Sermon in a dream for a pregnant woman

Seeing an engaged pregnant woman in a dream is a positive sign that indicates fertility, livelihood, and blessings, and may suggest the arrival of a happy baby. For a pregnant woman, the engagement in a dream represents an invitation to openness and positive changes that may occur in her life.

Interpretation scholars consider that seeing a pregnant woman getting engaged in a dream reflects her readiness for new responsibility and family leadership, as this engagement may be an indication that she will be an experienced mother and an ideal life partner.

Seeing an engagement for a pregnant woman in a dream appears as a symbol of emotional communication and expression of feelings between the two partners, which enhances trust and healthy communication between them.

Sermon in a dream for a divorced woman

1. A sign of happiness
The vision usually indicates the disappearance of some simple worries and problems in the life of a divorced woman. It is good news of the coming of happy times.

2. Gateway to wishes
According to Ibn Sirin’s interpretation, engagement in a divorced woman’s dream symbolizes the fulfillment of long-term wishes and desires that she is impatiently awaiting.

3. An opportunity for renewal
Seeing an engagement means for a divorced woman a new opportunity for a new beginning, whether through her returning to her ex-husband or getting engaged to someone new.

4. A sign of happiness
If a divorced woman sees herself as a matchmaker, this reflects her upcoming engagement and expected happiness with someone who brings joy to her life.

5. Motivation for righteousness
A divorced woman seeing her engagement is evidence of an improvement in her psychological state and the return of her balance and emotional well-being.

Sermon in a dream for a man

  1. Striving for wealth and success: If a man sees in his dream that he is proposing to a girl, this reflects his desire to achieve success and wealth in his life. This vision can be interpreted as evidence of his high aspirations and desire to reach a certain level of personal and financial progress.
  2. Abundance of livelihood and happiness: If a man sees in his dream that he has already engaged to a girl, this means for him the availability of livelihood and success in his professional or emotional life. This vision may be a positive sign that a period of well-being and happiness is coming.
  3. Looking forward to future life: A man may see an engagement in his dream without specific details, which reflects his desire to get engaged and start a family in the future. This vision reflects his need for security and emotional stability.

Interpretation of a dream about a person I know betrothing me to a single woman

1. A symbol of romantic aspirations: The dream of a single woman getting engaged is a symbol of romantic aspirations and the desire to be associated with a suitable life partner.

2. A sign of security and stability: The dream of a single woman getting engaged may be interpreted as an indication of the desire to obtain security and stability through marriage.

3. Guidance to be open to new opportunities: The dream of a single woman getting engaged could be evidence of the need to be open to new opportunities in life and be ready to receive positive transformations.

4. A signal to achieve emotional security: The dream of a single woman getting engaged may express the desire to achieve emotional security and emotional stability through a relationship with the right partner.

5. Evidence of personal ambitions: The dream of a single woman getting engaged can be interpreted as evidence of ambitions and desire for success and progress in personal and professional life.

Interpretation of a dream about my sister’s engagement

  1.  A sister’s engagement in a dream may mean that the dreamer is exposed to difficult situations or ambiguity in his emotional or social life.
  2. It is possible that a sister’s engagement in a dream symbolizes sudden transformations in the dreamer’s life or internal conflicts that he may face.
  3. Dreaming about a sister getting engaged is an indication of the possibility of losing something important in the dreamer's life, whether it is material or emotional.

Interpretation of a dream about a man betrothing me while I am married

  • Rebellion against the current situation: Marriage represents commitment and stability, and the dream may symbolize your feeling of wanting to rebel against routine and search for a different experience.
  • Lack of trust in your partner: The dream may indicate that there are doubts or mistrust in your current relationship, and your desire to find someone else who is a better person for you.
  • Feeling neglected: The dream may symbolize your need for more attention and care in your current married life. You may feel neglected and look for acceptance and appreciation from someone else.
  • Desire for change: The dream may be an indication of your desire for radical changes in your life, whether it is in the relationship with your current husband or in your life path in general.

Interpretation of a dream about a woman proposing to her son for a single woman

  1. Symbolic representation: Seeing a woman proposing to her son to a single woman in a dream reflects a symbolic representation of an upcoming romantic relationship. This vision may indicate the opportunity for the arrival of an important person in the single woman’s life who could be a potential life partner.
  2. A mirror of emotional desires: Seeing a woman proposing to her son to a single woman in a dream perhaps reflects the single woman’s hidden desire to find a partner who is accepted by her family and enjoys trust and respect.
  3. A sign of fate: This dream is considered an indication that there is a person who may come in the future to make an offer of engagement or marriage. This dream could be evidence of the importance of family support and endorsement in making life decisions.
  4. Warning of challengesThis vision may be a warning to a single woman about the challenges she may face in her future relationship, and a reminder of the need to be careful and careful in choosing a life partner.

Interpretation of a dream about a person proposing to me and I refuse

1. Hesitation in making a decision:

  • A dream of rejecting an engagement may reflect reluctance to make an important decision in the dreamer's life, whether it is at work or personal relationships.

2. Fear of attachment:

  • Rejecting an engagement in a dream could reflect a fear of engagement in general, and a desire for freedom and independence.

3. Step back from a great responsibility:

  • The dream could be an indication that the dreamer is retreating from taking great responsibility related to his personal life matters.

4. Emotional disorders:

  • Rejecting an engagement in a dream may symbolize the presence of internal emotional disturbances that affect relationships.

5. Unmet personal needs:

  • Rejection in a dream could be an expression of not meeting the needs of an important person properly.

6. Determination to achieve self-realization:

  • In some cases, rejection in a dream can symbolize the dreamer's determination to achieve his personal goals and aspirations before pairing up with a life partner.

Interpretation of a dream about my cousin proposing to a single woman

  1. Loss and need: Seeing my cousin proposing to a single woman may symbolize her lack of a sense of peace and reassurance in her emotional and social life.
  2. Support and assistance: A dream about my cousin proposing to me could indicate that there is a reliable person in the single woman’s life who supports her and stands by her in difficult circumstances.
  3. Close relationshipsFor a single woman, seeing her cousin’s son in a dream may reflect the existence of a strong kinship relationship with a specific person in the family.
  4. Hope and optimism: This vision is a sign of goodness and optimism, especially if the single girl is looking at her marriage in the near future.
  5. Loving and warm: The dream of my cousin proposing to me may be an expression of personal love for the single woman on the part of a family member.

In short, the interpretation of a dream about my cousin proposing to me for a single woman can be multi-faceted and depends greatly on the personal context and feelings that the single girl experiences in her daily life. This dream may be an indication of her family and social relationships, and it may be a source of optimism and hope for the future.

Interpretation of a dream about a husband’s engagement to his wife

  1. An indication of the presence of crises and challengesSome interpreters consider that seeing a husband’s engagement to his wife in a dream indicates the presence of many crises and challenges that affect the lives of the spouses.
  2. A symbol of goodness, joy and happinessDespite the strangeness of this dream, it can symbolize goodness, joy, and happiness in married life, along with calm and stability.
  3. Good news for the coupleSome consider this dream to be good news for the couple, as it symbolizes the strength of their relationship and the achievement of shared happiness.
  4. The need to be careful and protectedIf the dreamer sees this dream, it indicates the husband’s love for the wife and the need for him to be careful and protect her.
  5. Promote love and appreciation: This dream indicates the husband’s love for his wife and his efforts to achieve her happiness and satisfaction.

Interpretation of a dream about an old man betrothing me

  1. Symbol of wisdom and goodness: The dream of an old man proposing to me is a positive symbol that indicates the presence of wisdom and goodness coming in the dreamer’s life. This dream can be a herald of a new phase full of success and happiness.
  2. Love and respect: If the dreamer sees an old man proposing to her in the dream, this may symbolize the love and respect she has in her waking life. This dream reflects the value and appreciation of others about her as a person.
  3. Future vision: A dream about an old man proposing to me could be a hint for the future, as it heralds a steady and stable relationship to come for the dreamer. This interpretation may be an indication that a happy and fruitful period in her love life is approaching.
  4. Achieving goals: Sometimes, a dream about an old man proposing to me can express the achievement of the dreamer’s goals and progress in personal relationships. This dream may be an indication of the fulfillment of her aspirations and the fulfillment of her emotional desires.
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