The most important interpretations of vision in a dream by Ibn Sirin and senior scholars

samar tarek
Dreams of Ibn Sirin
samar tarekProofreader: admin12 March 2022Last update: XNUMX years ago

vision in a dream, In this article, we will present a continuous explanation of all the dreams and visions that dreamers would see during their dream. Below is a detailed mention of all the opinions of scholars and interpreters on many different topics that dreamers may see during their sleep, so that each person can know what he sees during his sleep in appropriate detail.

In a dream - interpretation of dreams

Vision in a dream

  • Seeing in a dream is one of the things that preoccupy many people because of what it is related to and what it symbolizes, especially since it is nothing but a few and intermittent events.
  • The visions are often an embodiment similar to what happens to us in our daily lives of different things and events that the dreamer sees and whose various details draw his attention.
  • Some jurists emphasized a lot that most of the visions that people see are a group of troubled dreams that the accursed Satan portrays to the dreamers.
  • Most of the visions seen by dreamers and fixed in their minds are nothing but terrifying and frightening events that the dreamer had in no way imagined seeing.
  • It is possible that the visions seen by the dreamers are nothing but successive events that do not link one to the other with anything at all. Whoever sees this must make sure that it is not something special at all and may be interpreted as right or wrong alike.

Vision in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Ibn Sirin has reported many interpretations in various fields and types of dreams that people can see, in addition to what many interpreters have compared these interpretations to what has been developed in terms of situations, transactions and inventions in the current era.
  • Ibn Sirin emphasized on many occasions what the vision can in any way refer to in terms of things in the minds of the dreamers of signs and indications that may bear right or wrong, so it should not be believed in or taken as a firm guarantee.

Vision in a dream for single women

  • The vision in a girl’s dream carries many different connotations that are generally determined according to her condition when she sees herself.
  • For example, if the dreamer saw herself lying on the ground exhausted and tired, then this indicates the fatigue and sadness that she is exposed to in her reality.
  • While the girl who sees in her dream that she is fighting with many people, this denotes to her that there are many tiring things and obstacles that she will face in her life.
  • Likewise, the girl who sees in her dream food that she loves or prefers, symbolizes her vision of what she will receive in terms of sustenance and abundant goodness that she will enjoy until the last days of her life.
  • Likewise, if the dreamer sees herself flying in the air, this explains the existence of many special things that will happen to her in her life, and an affirmation of her blessings.

Vision in a dream for a married woman

  • A married woman who sees visions in her dreams expresses what she feels in her daily life and the pressures and daily events that make her happy and exhausted.
  • The vision that brings happiness and joy to the dreamer’s heart during her sleep indicates that she will enjoy blessings and unlimited sustenance at all, so she should be optimistic about this.
  • While the visions that the dreamer sees and send a lot of sadness to herself, the mother confirms that she is going through a lot of psychological crises, troubles and problems that have neither the beginning nor the end, so she must calm down and not worry about her at all until she passes through that period well.

Vision in a dream for a pregnant woman

  • The dreamer is one of the most sensitive dreaming cases towards the issue of dreams in general, and it results from her carrying her child and her constant attempt to check on him and preserve what is related to him.
  • A pregnant woman who sees in her dream money or special and expensive things in most cases, this indicates that she will enjoy good, abundant and distinguished livelihood in most areas of her life, so she should be optimistic about this.
  • A pregnant woman seeing many disturbing and stressful things in her dream is one of the things that confirms the difficulties and problems she will encounter in her life, and confirms that she will need a lot of patience until she gets through that stage well.

Vision in a dream for a divorced woman

  • The divorced woman is one of the most important personalities that can be concerned with the issue of visions during her sleep, because the indications and interpretations of her are so different that you would not have imagined them at all.
  • Seeing a divorced woman is often related to her ability to regain her abilities and strength after the constant troubles and problems she faced as a result of her separation from her ex-husband.
  • While the divorced woman seeing herself in her dreams happy and indifferent is one of the things that confirms that she has overcome this period of her sorrows with ease.

Seeing a man in a dream

  • A vision in a man's dream is one of the things that would bring a lot of things into his mind, in addition to his constant thinking about what is happening to him in his life.
  • Likewise, the vision in a man’s dream expresses everything that happens to him in his life in terms of matters, aspirations that he desires, and aspirations that he wishes to reach in any way.
  • Likewise, seeing in a young man’s dreams is one of the things that would add a lot of stress and anxiety to his heart, as well as great curiosity about what is happening to him in his life.

Vision in a dream before dawn

  • Many jurists emphasized that seeing in a dream before dawn is not special at all, just as the timing in which the dreamer sees it is not important at all.
  • While many dreamers rejoice in a vision before dawn, due to the importance and sanctity of this time in many religions, and for many people, therefore, this matter is not settled, but it is just a time for people to be optimistic about.

Seeing in a dream teeth falling out

  • Many jurists have emphasized that teeth falling out in a dream is one of the negative things that do not carry many positive connotations, which we will explain in the following:
  • Many jurists suggested that all of the dreamer's teeth falling into his lap is an indication of what he will encounter in his life in terms of longevity, but in continuous fatigue and exhaustion.
  • As for the one who sees in his dream the fall of all his teeth and their disappearance from his sight, this symbolizes the loss of all his family’s releases, his bidding farewell to them, and his remaining alone, without a companion or a companion, for the remaining years of his life.

Seeing hair cut in a dream

  • Cutting hair in a woman's dream is an indication of the successive disappointments and frustrations she will face in her life that she would not have expected at all.
  • While whoever sees in her dream that she is plucking her hair, regardless of its length, this symbolizes the problems and financial hardships that the dreamer would not have expected at all.
  • While whoever sees in his dream a haircut for his hair, this vision denotes that there are many special things that will happen to him, the most important of which is the payment of all his debts.
  • If a man sees hair growing all over his body in a dream, this vision indicates that there are many unfortunate things that will happen to him.

Seeing in a dream someone you love

  • If the dreamer sees someone he loves in a dream repeatedly, this indicates that this person is exposed to a certain danger that could affect him very much.
  • While the girl who sees a person she loves in her dream indicates that there are many special things that could bring them together at some point in time, and an assurance that many happy days await them.
  • A woman who sees a person she loves in her dream Many jurists emphasized that her vision is due to her continuous thinking about this person, which makes her in a state of attachment to him.

Seeing a baby in a dream

  • Whoever sees a breastfed child in his dream indicates that he will enjoy in his life a provision and a blessing that has no beginning or another, which would bring a lot of joy to his heart.
  • The girl who sees a baby in her dream symbolizes the joy and happiness she will enjoy in her life, and an assurance that joy will spread throughout her home very soon.
  • Also, many jurists emphasized that seeing a breastfed child in a dream is one of the things that would express new beginnings in the dreamer's life.
  • So, for a woman who sees a baby in her dream, this is explained by the existence of many opportunities for her in life, and an emphasis on the responsibilities and duties that she will enjoy in return for that.
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